This is Yun-Ze Cheng

I am currently a Research Assistant works with Hisn-Hua Huang,
Associate Research Fellow in Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica , Taiwan.

My research experiences includes MCMC joint inversion, DAS/OBS data analysis, Landslide monitoring, Seismic imaging (Receiver function), Noise sources detection (CCF), and seismographs deployment.


Recent works

Since 2021/07 work in IES

1. Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) data analysis with conventional iDAS in (1) Drilling well across Milun fault, Hualien & (2) basement in the building, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. pdf [since 2022/05]

2. Markov chain Monte Carlo Bayesian joint inversion of Rayleigh Wave Ellipticity, Phase Velocities, and Receiver Functions with Formosa Array pdf [since 2021/11]

3. Active source experiment with Zland for detecting potential heat sources beneath Ilan basin. Collobrating with CPC Corporation, Taiwan. [2022/07-2023/01]

4. Landslide monitoring with permanent Broadband/Geophone stations to prevent deep seated landslide occured in Baolai, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. [since 2021/07]

Who I Am


I love exploring new things and meet new friends. Having a hand-brew coffee with Boss and other co-workers is my daily routine. Learning from discussions with amazing people are really exciting.

I enjoy Camping with my college friends (since we join Astronomy club in 2014). My families and them are my strong support network.

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Research Map

From Leader of Astronomy club (senior high/college) to ? I am very open minded to learn and utilize different geophysical methods to understand the planet from surface to interior.

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Looking forward to have a nice chat with you. Any feedback is welcome!